There was reclining on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved. NASB — John 13:23
You all know how a reclining seat works, right? It is really so comfortable and it takes any adjustment you would want it to take. So when the Bible talks about one who was reclining on Jesus’ breast, that person must have had the audacity and must have believed too much in himself to do that right? 🤔
But it definitely was exciting, almost right like the feeling you get after studying God’s word. 😍
“The disciple whom Jesus loved.” That is the way John refers to himself in the Gospel of John. He never calls himself by name, just “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” 🤗
When I first read that, I remember saying to myself, “Come on, John. Have a little humility! Who do you think you are, God’s gift to the 12?” 😏
His self-imposed moniker just seemed to smack off arrogance and pride. But then it hit me like a truck. 🤔
John wasn’t boasting. He was bowing down in gratitude and awe. He was saying in effect, “Can you believe it? Jesus loves me, ME… an unworthy sinner like me!” With all the wrong things I have done that have made Him sad. That changes everything. 😍
How you see yourself is critical to your walk with the Lord. Many of us see ourselves in a very negative light. Which, as a fact, is so true. We are bad. I am bad. But then we believe lies when it comes to our relationship with the Lord and His view of us. 😱
We believe that :
- I am “the disciple whom Jesus tolerates.”
- I am “the disciple whom Jesus is sorely disappointed in.”
- I am “the disciple whom Jesus is greatly displeased with.”
- I am “the disciple whom Jesus loathes.”
Which, as a matter of fact, are actually true because we are condemned as sinners. 😷
We don’t believe that we are a brand plucked out of the fire (Zech 3:2). We believe what Satan whispers to us, there is no use to try you know. There is no end of sorrow, there is no hope by and by.
If you think like me, any of those thoughts, you are “the disciple whom Jesus wants to change”.
Maybe you are like the millions of Christians who struggle with really believing, accepting, and enjoying the love of God for them. Maybe you have no problem believing God loves others, but you have terrible trouble believing God could love you, knowing all the bad things you have done… ever since you became a Christian.
Well, dear beloved of God, here is the great news that is 100% true: Jesus loves us! He loves us, me, so much that He willingly died for us on the cross. We, I, matter to Him.
If you are a baptized follower of Jesus Christ, you are - dare I say it - “the disciple whom Jesus loves”, like John. Isn’t it cool? 😍
Will you let this truth penetrate your heart?
Listen to the song ‘Til the Storm Passes By.