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Making First Things First

Apr 30, 2021 · 4 mins read
Making First Things First

Researchers and scientists after years of research on the human body have come up with wonderful truths on how the human body operates. They have studied the systems at molecular levels only to realize how perfectly the cells, tissues and organs are perfectly synchronized and integrated to carry out essential body functions. Furthermore, they have tried to copy the human body systems in discovery of the “goldmine of the century” - artificial intelligence.

One of the mind-blowing facts which science has discovered on the human body is: “A person will die from total lack of sleep sooner than from starvation. Death will occur about 10 days without sleep, while starvation takes a few weeks.”

This statement is mind boggling. From the preceding paragraph we understand that both food and sleep are essential for survival, but on close scrutiny of the statement we realize that sleep comes at the top priority when compared to food.

In scriptures, sleep has been likened to death, we read in John 11:11:

After he had said this, he went on to tell them, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.”

Paul throughout his letters emphasizes the need of Christians to die daily (Sleep daily) (1 Cor 15:31) for it is by dying daily {sleeping daily} that we cast the sinful and lustful needs of the flesh aside. After sleeping, we can proceed to eat; which in spiritual terms refers to reading of the word. In scriptures Christ has been likened to the bread of life (John 6:35), Christ is also the word (John 1:1,14). Therefore, studying line upon line leads us to a conclusion that the word of God is bread, it is food in verity. Prophet Jeremiah through inspiration confirms the validity of our conclusion by telling us that he did found his words and ate them and were unto him joy (Jeremiah 15:16).

Let not prophecy be fulfilled in this generation that the children of this world are wiser than the children of light (Luke 16:8). As the children of light, we have the sure word of prophecy (2 Peter 1:19) which teaches us the way of the Lord. The Psalmist exclaims, “Thy Way, O God is in the sanctuary; who is so great a God as our God?” (Psalm 77:13) Therefore to understand God’s way, his manual for living, we need to go through the sanctuary model.


In the sanctuary system the first article of furniture that we encounter in the outer court is the altar of burnt offerings (Exodus 38:1-9). This then proves the order of heavenly things; first things should come first and be made first. In this important article of furniture burnt sacrifices were made (Leviticus 3:1-5). Through this sanctuary system of sacrifices, Paul through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit makes a remarkable statement that we should present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God. (Romans 12:1). All this boils down to the expectation of heavens regarding making first things first. Self-sacrifice should be made first, through self-sacrifice, we slay the beast that is within us: the beast of jealousy, the beast of selfishness, the beast of pride, the beast of strife, the beast of malice, the beast of back-biting and the list goes on.

After this article, we encounter yet still another important article in the holy place, the table of shewbread (Exodus 25:30). Here twelve loaves of bread were placed in it (Leviticus 24:5,6). Bread signifies the word of God for HE says I AM the bread of life; I AM the word. This clearly pinpoints that the table of shewbread represents the word of God. Therefore, in feasting the word of God, self should be laid aside first. The messenger to the remnant makes this remarkable statement:

Whenever the study of the scripture is entered upon without a prayerful, humble, teachable spirit, the plainest as well as the most difficult passages will be wrested from their true meaning. - GC 521.2

A prayerful, humble and teachable spirit requires dying to self and it is this principle that lies at the basis of feasting the word. It is through this principle of making first things to be first that the ‘people of the book’ will see no need to fight over church positions, argue over biblical doctrines and principles that are plainly stated, argue over dress and health reform by terming them as mere counsels of the prophet, argue over the church logos, challenging apostle Paul on what he meant by counselling us not to be unequally yoked. All this will be resolved by making first things first, slaying the beast within us first.


Sanctuary image source: The Way Study

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Ken Onyoni
Written by Ken Onyoni